#2 You can’t teach that

One of the better gauges of a WWE catchphrase is when it not only becomes a signature part of a successful performer's act, but when it gets over in spite of the performer it’s attached to.
Few WWE Superstars have offered less full packages than Enzo Amore, whose oddball look and abject lack of athleticism made him feel out of place in NXT, let alone the main roster.
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He was teamed up with Big Cass, who at least had the look of a traditional WWE star, but was also awfully green in the ring and on the mic.
Enter Amore’s gift for gab, however, was exceptional. In cutting a blistering promo on his way to the ring, always emphasizing that the gifts he and Cass brought to the table couldn’t be taught, he grabbed the audience’s attention, and became one of the most fun attractions on the roster.
Amore and Cass’s personal issues ultimately caught up to them, and this catchphrase may wind up the only positive memory fans have of the pair.