4. The Rock
The Rock with his millions and millions of fans around the world is a star who has witnessed stardom likes no one ever has in the sports entertainment industry. Still, “The Brahma Bull” is one of those superstars who puts aside his ego and lends a helping hand to a rookie’s budding career.
If we compile the list of stars that The Rock has put over, we can have a whole bunch of future Hall Of Famers; Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho will all be a part of that list. The way The Rock and Mick Foley put over one another can be used as “How to put over another wrestler 101” for the future generation of superstars.
“The Great One” even lost to The Hurricane once, giving The Hurricane the most notable moment of career. When he should have squashed The Hurricane and established his dominance, The Rock put him over. A major star like him putting over rookies is what makes The Rock a class act.