#2 Kevin Owens head butts Vince McMahon

It's rare that Vince McMahon graces WWE rings with his presence these days. The 73-year-old leaves the in-ring authority segments to his daughter Stephanie and son-in-law, Triple H and the General Managers of the day.
So, when McMahon entered the ring to confront Kevin Owens who had been terrorising his son, Shane, it was a vote of confidence in Owens as a performer.
That McMahon trusted Owens to smash him with a legitimate headbutt was further boost.
Owens had to be nervous prior to the segment. It surely would not have gone down well with the senior figures in WWE had he caused serious injury to McMahon which was a real possibility considering the advanced age of the WWE boss.
As it turned out, Owens hit the headbutt perfectly, drawing hard way blood and capping off a superb segment with an oft-replayed moment.
In a nice touch, Stephanie passed Owens in the entrance way, glaring at him as Owens feigned disbelief and remorse at his actions.
It was a career-maker for Owens but one that was unfortunately not fully taken advantage of by his employers.
Nonetheless, it was an unforgettable moment.