5 best matches in WWE Money in the Bank PLE history

The Money in the Bank PLE has seen some great matches
The Money in the Bank PLE has seen some great matches over the years! [Image via WWE.com]

The Money in the Bank Premium Live Event is set to take the wrestling world by storm next month in Canada. Widely considered one of WWE's most enjoyable and noteworthy events, the show has a rich and prestigious history.

From the first PLE in 2010 until the show last year, Money in the Bank has delivered some of the most memorable matches, a diverse list of wars not limited to the titular ladder bouts.

Considering the long list of great matches, some honorable mentions deserve attention:

  1. Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa vs. The Usos: The Bloodline Civil War (MITB 2023)
  2. The 2014 Men's MITB Ladder Match
  3. The 2021 Men's MITB Ladder Match

Let's delve into five of the best matches in WWE Money in the Bank PLE history.

#5. Brock Lesnar vs. Mustafa Ali vs. Andrade vs. Baron Corbin vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor vs. Randy Orton vs. Ricochet (Men's MITB 2019)


This match is often remembered for its questionable and controversial finish, but that shouldn't detract from the thrilling spot-fest fans had witnessed before the closing moments.

The 2019 Men's Money in the Bank Ladder Match had a stacked field. From established veterans like Randy Orton to high-flyers like Andrade, WWE booked a well-rounded group of individuals in the ring.

There was virtually no dull moment during the match, as indicated by the live crowd's unmatchable memory. Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre joined forces and dominated the proceedings initially, but Andrade and Ali stole the show.

El Idolo performed a sensational Sunset Flip Powerbomb on Balor from the top of the ladder onto a wedged second ladder. However, Andrade also received much punishment, as Ali, who had previously been Chokeslammed through the table, executed a picture-perfect Spanish Fly from the ladder.

Unfortunately, the finish left many fans confused. Brock Lesnar made a surprise return (as Sami Zayn's replacement) during the climax, dumped Ali off the ladder, and climbed to unhook the briefcase.

Had WWE gone with a different winner, this match would have ranked higher on the list.

#4. Baron Corbin vs. AJ Styles vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Men's MITB 2017)

The 2017 Men's Money in the Bank match has faded into distant memory. This could be due to the eventual winner, Baron Corbin, squandering his opportunity by unsuccessfully cashing in on Jinder Mahal.

While some may have had reservations about Corbin winning, it was an understandable decision at the time. The former NXT Tag Team Champion was being built as a top heel, and the briefcase would have elevated his stock considerably, especially if WWE had continued his push.

Aside from the winner, the match was memorable and one of the best of 2017. With the talent in the field, it was almost expected, but the six SmackDown stars outdid themselves and pulled together an instant classic.

The highlights included Sami Zayn's Sunset Flip Powerbombing Dolph Ziggler from atop the ladder and AJ Styles falling onto the canvas as Ziggler pulled the ladder from underneath him.

Extra credit must be given to Kevin Owens, who endured the beating of a lifetime at Money in the Bank 2017. Owens took a Half-Nelson Suplex on the apron, and Styles delivered a modified Attitude Adjustment to KO on the ladder.

WWE also built the match largely around Shinsuke Nakamura, arguably the most popular star at the time. Corbin took out Nakamura from the match before it started, but the Japanese star made a triumphant comeback to send the crowd into a frenzy.

Corbin was a better winner than Lesnar, which puts this match higher on the list than the previous one. However, WWE may have run the match too long, and there were better options than Corbin.

#3. Roman Reigns (c) vs. Edge for the Universal Championship (Money in the Bank 2021)

It was still the early part of Roman Reigns' iconic World Title run, and Edge was riding high on the emotion of his return from retirement and subsequent Royal Rumble win.

Their WrestleMania match was turned into a Triple Threat affair after the inclusion of Daniel Bryan. Thus, in many ways, Reigns vs. Edge had the build, and fans were invested in the feud heading into Money in the Bank.

When the time came, Reigns and Edge stole the show in one of the most thrilling main events in recent memory, exceeding expectations and telling a memorable tale. The crowd was red-hot for the Hall of Famer while booing The Tribal Chief out of the building.

Spears through barricades, Superman punches, and the cliched referee knock-outs during the crucial phases. This match had it all, as Edge and Reigns tore each other apart. Fans will never get the image of a screaming Tribal Chief tortured through a broken chair-assisted Crossface.

One could argue that the match was overbooked toward the end. The Usos ran interference, only to be subdued by The Mysterios. Seth Rollins stuck his nose in Edge's business multiple times, and it was ultimately Rollins' distraction that allowed Roman Reigns to hit one final Spear for the pinfall win.

Aside from the overbooking, there wasn't much to complain about the match. John Cena's return at the end of Money in the Bank 2021 only made the entire segment more memorable.

#2. RVD vs. Christian vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (All-Star Men's MITB 2013)


When it comes to stacked fields, it doesn't get much better than the 2013 All-Star Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a contract for the WWE Championship.

The bout was built around an all-star field of Ladder Match specialists. Christian, two-time MITB winner CM Punk, the overwhelmingly popular Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Randy Orton, and the returning Rob Van Dam tore the house down.

As for the match, it was a delight to witness. Philadelphia's own RVD, the returning hero, had a memorable homecoming as he performed the Five Star Frogsplash from the top of the ladder on Christian. Bryan sent Sheamus crashing through a bridged ladder, injuring him.

However, the finishing sequence was a storytelling masterpiece. WWE went to great lengths to protect the top babyfaces of the match.

Curtis Axel attacked and removed Bryan from the equation. Paul Heyman betrayed CM Punk in a shocking twist, setting the stage for Punk's rivalry with Brock Lesnar. Lastly, Orton RKOed Van Dam and unhooked the briefcase.

Orton's win laid the groundwork for a well-executed heel turn and the entire Authority storyline, which eventually led to the rise of Daniel Bryan as a top star. Indeed, none of the above would have happened if the main event of Money in the Bank 2013 wasn't such a masterpiece.

#1. CM Punk vs. John Cena (c) for the WWE Championship (Money in the Bank 2011)


The Summer of Punk in 2011 will always be remembered as one of the greatest times to be a wrestling fan, and the saga reached its climax at Money in the Bank 2011.

In front of a hostile Chicago crowd, John Cena defended his WWE Championship against The Best in The World, who had recently delivered the Pipebomb promo and sent the wrestling world into a frenzy amid rumors of a departure.

While fans have witnessed better technical wrestling in the ring, the match had its moments, with both men executing their signature moves. However, the storytelling and shock value elevated this encounter to an esteemed status.

Vince McMahon was adamant about keeping the WWE Title in his company and was willing to execute another version of "The Montreal Sc***job," but Cena wanted to do things the right way. Eventually, amid all the chaos, Punk hit the GTS and pinned The Franchise Player.

McMahon brought out Mr. Money in the Bank Alberto Del Rio, but nothing came of that plan. Punk kissed McMahon goodbye as he exited the arena with the prestigious prize.

Punk had added a Stone Cold-like touch to his character, which was a departure from the PG-friendly programming of the time. Having him pull off a stunt like this amid the uncertainty of his contract status was a stroke of genius.

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Edited by Yash Mittal
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