#1 'Mean' Gene Okerlund Trains & Teams With Hulk Hogan

Back in 1984, as 'Mean' Gene Okerlund and Hulk Hogan had a growing bond on television, they were challenged to a tag team match by Hogan's rivals, Mr. Fuji and George 'The Animal' Steele.
This would lead to a series of hilarious segments of Hogan training Gene for the match. Hogan would make Gene wake up at 5 am for training every day, drink raw eggs for breakfast, made him quit smoking his cigars, constant jogging, a rigorous gym workout, and carry the taller and bigger Hogan up a flight of stadium stairs.
When the match itself came, Okerlund would spend the majority of it on the apron and let Hogan compete. During the action, we had a very comical moment of Hogan giving Gene a celebratory high five while the match was in progress, which the referee mistook for a tag and made Gene legal. Okerlund had to go in, but quickly tagged out before he was physically touched.
The end of the match saw Hogan tag in Gene once again, and dump him on Mr. Fuji to score the victory.