#2 Electric chair splash

Is there a better two-man tag team move better than the Legion of Doom's Doomsday Device? Perhaps not, which may be why we have seen different variations of Hawk and Animal's devastating tag finisher where one man lifts their opponent up on his shoulders in the electric chair position, where the other leaps off the top rope to clothesline the opponent off his partner's shoulders, bringing him crashing to the floor. The New Day have created a three-man electric chair move that looks just as dangerous.
Ambrose was the unlucky recipient of the never before seen manoeuvre. Xavier Woods who is often looked down on as the 'weak link' in the New Day, shocked everyone when he lifted the 280-pound Big E up on his shoulders in the electric chair. The 212 lbs Kingston then climbed to the top rope, then leapt over the tower of E & Woods, delivering a body splash to Ambrose. Then Big E delivered a body splash from the top of Woods' shoulders.
It is hard to imagine anybody kicking out of such an awe-inspiring, and believable finisher. New Day did not attempt to pin Ambrose after the move, however, as the previously mentioned double Midnight Hour immediately followed.