#2 Bret Hart (1994) - Winner; 4 Eliminations
This Royal Rumble was already covered earlier in the series as Bret Hart co-won the Royal Rumble with entry 23, Lex Luger. Hart, who had been the WWF Champion at the 1993 Royal Rumble was seeking to use the Royal Rumble to get another title shot. Hart eliminated Crush, Thurman "Sparky" Plugg, Genichiro Tenryu, and Fatu before Bret and Lex Luger would topple over the top rope together.
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Bret Hart would suffer defeat earlier in the night, with Bret and his brother Owen losing their shot at the Tag Team Champions against the Quebecers. Hart would then come to the ring with a visible limp after injuring his knee in the tag team match.
After his victory, Bret would face Yokozuna second at Wrestlemania X after Yokozuna would retain his title against Lex Luger earlier in the card. Hart would win the fight and would regain his WWF title.