#1 Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa (NXT Takeover: New Orleans)
This is the best match in NXT History with the best feud in NXT history. Just looking at the hype package today and I still get excited. I have never seen a year-long feud so perfectly booked and didn’t know how they would live up to the immense hype. I was happy to say it exceeded its high expectations.
Ciampa played the heel perfectly. The foul language and boos rained down on him before the match were quite impressive and rare in modern wrestling. The match itself was fantastic. It was a textbook example of how to be violent without needing blood. It had many painful looking spots and believable near falls. But it was the emotion throughout the match that truly sold it.
The ending was about as perfect as can be. It ended with Gargano having second thoughts about taking out his friend with the crutch. Gargano clearly gave Ciampa one chance to do the right thing. Ciampa naturally did not and was quickly defeated with a submission.
Gargano has overcome his nemesis in the best match of the year. You will have a hard time finding a better face and heel feud in the WWE in the last decade. NXT is the place for amazing wrestling.