#1 The one with Ric Flair - 1992

For nostalgic golden era WWF/WWE, the 1992 Royal Rumble always ranks highly on every fan's list. A who's who of WWF legends were in this match, from The British bulldog, Roddy Piper, and Shawn Michaels, to Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and Jake Roberts.
Couple this array of a wrestler with the draw that the winner of the Rumble would also win the vacant WWF Heavyweight World Championship and the event was a must-see on PPV. Ric Flair entered this match at #3 and didn't shy away from the action throughout the 60-minute match. Constantly targeted by superstars who saw him as a threat, Ric performed tremendously throughout. Bobby Heenan is at his 'Weasley' best and talks up the first heel Rumble winner for the whole time.
The finish comes when Hulk Hogan is eliminated by Sid Justice (Psycho Sid) and not liking that outcome, Hulk pulls Sid over the top rope and allows Flair to win his first WWF Heavyweight Championship after years of being in the NWA and WCW. Nostalgia at it's best!