#2 Edge gets real about his WWE return

If someone can return to business after almost a decade and immediately deliver one of the best promos in WWE’s recent history, it’s Edge. This segment took place on an episode of RAW after Backlash where Randy Orton had managed to defeat Edge. The rivalry had started to saturate itself on WWE RAW until Edge’s pre-recorded promo rolled out.
In this video, Edge questioned Orton’s entire career in WWE and pointed out the people who are actually responsible for The Viper’s success. Despite losing against his former friend, Edge took the matter into his own hands and argued how Orton is still far from reaching the ‘greatness’ he claims to have. Needless to say, Edge’s intensity throughout this promo accounted for a convincing dialogue.
This promo single-handedly got the fans invested in this long-running feud once again. It also showed how much we missed Edge’s destructive promos that could steal the show on a weekly basis. "Make you wish Cowboy Bob was firing blanks on the night you were conceived." Edge, as social media would say, really has zero chills.