#1 Shane McMahon

Shane McMahon, at the age of 47, put on the best match of WrestleMania 33. One could say that you cannot have a bad match with AJ Styles, but in our opinion, it takes two to tango. He had another great match with Kevin Owens at Hell in a Cell, as well. He's certainly in better fighting shape than Kurt Angle is.
Also, think about it. In storyline at least, Shane McMahon hates his sister. He hates his brother in law too, by association, we presume.
Wouldn't he be the most natural fit, as Ronda Rousey's partner, to make this match a high stakes affair, purely from a writing perspective? We think so, at least.
Of course, this is provided Daniel Bryan does not get cleared in time for WrestleMania.
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