Some things in life are sacred. We believe that The Undertaker leaving his coat, hat, and gloves in the middle of the ring at WrestleMania was one such sacred act. Having given his life and limb to WWE, his retirement should be respected and revered. His return would only diminish his legacy.
Therefore, in this article, our primary objective will be to suggest five men who could face John Cena at WrestleMania. All of these men could put on great matches with WWE's biggest star, and have incredible WrestleMania moments. Plus, this would ensure that Cena doesn't have to buy a ticket and watch as a fan!
Without further ado, here are the contenders...
#5 Dolph Ziggler
After he signed his latest contract, Dolph Ziggler became one of the highest paid WWE superstars on the current roster. However, if you look at his position on the roster, he doesn't even have a feud heading into WrestleMania 34.
Rumours had emerged that he would be facing Shane McMahon, but it looks like he'll be facing Owens and Zayn after the events that transpired at Fastlane. Ziggler vs. Cena could have been a very interesting match. Both men are great promos, and based on his new gimmick, Cena is everything Ziggler now stands against!
If Cena were to put over Ziggler at a grand stage like WrestleMania 34, it could elevate Ziggler to the next level and make him a superstar. After all, Ziggler is a full-timer whereas Cena is a part-timer, and Ziggler does need the rub.
It wouldn't be as big a match as Cena vs. The Undertaker, but it may be far more important.
#4 Samoa Joe
Yes, we do know that Samoa Joe is on the injured list. But he should be due for a return at any time now. When he does return, the quality of match that he could have with John Cena would be unparalleled. Let's take you back in time and tell you why we picked Samoa Joe.
Samoa Joe and John Cena have had quite the history. They started in the business together a long time ago in UPW. Both men are excellent promos and could have had an excellent WrestleMania 34 program.
In fact, last year, it had been rumoured that Samoa Joe would have been the man to take on John Cena at WrestleMania. This storyline would've seen him win the Royal Rumble match on his debut and then destroy Cena at WrestleMania 33 for the WWE title, thus establishing himself as SmackDown Live's top heel. Sadly, this dream match never came to pass.
Because of the bumps and bruises that The Undertaker has suffered in his career, the quality of the match that Joe and Cena would put together would far surpass John Cena's tryst with The Dead Man.
#3 Braun Strowman
We do realize that Braun Strowman will be competing at WrestleMania as a tag team competitor. In our opinion, that is a colossal waste of his talent. In fact, we feel that it should have been Strowman challenging Lesnar at WrestleMania and standing tall. The fact that he isn't in the mix is not really right!
A John Cena match at WrestleMania 34 is a big deal. In our opinion, Strowman and Cena could have really lit it up on the grandest stage of them all. Because Strowman won't be seen for a while following WrestleMania, he could have given Strowman the rub on the way out!
#2 Rey Mysterio
Recently, there emerged a rumour that Rey Mysterio and John Cena would be facing one another at WrestleMania. The rumours subsequently turned out to be false. However, one can't help but wonder how cool the program would have been. Especially considering just how good Mysterio looked at the Royal Rumble.
Bear in mind that he was never as big a star as The Undertaker. But he's in far better-fighting shape right now. In fact, Mysterio could definitely have a really good match against Cena at WrestleMania 34.
Unfortunately, we believe that he is injured and therefore, the match is not going to happen. But we wonder at how good a program it could have really been!
#1 Bobby Lashley
We all know that Bobby Lashley is coming back to WWE, very soon indeed. He's rumoured to return on the RAW after WrestleMania. Therefore, in light of current events, imagine this scenario. Perhaps John Cena, dispirited and despondent, does not have a WrestleMania 34 opponent. He comes to the ring and just cuts a promo about having nobody to face for the first time in years.
Much like The Hardy Boyz did last year, this could be an invitation for Bobby Lashley to return. Lashley would take on Cena in an impromptu match and send him packing. This would be a really strong segment.
Of course, this could lead to a forthcoming program between Lashley and Brock Lesnar. That's the feud that all the fans want to see anyway.
Do you think The Undertaker will be a good opponent for John Cena, at his age? Can you think of anyone else? What do you think of our list? Let us know in the comments
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