The interesting thing about the Money In the Bank ladder match for theWWE World Heavyweight title is that four out of the five superstars participating in it are heels. Sheamus is the only babyface in the mix. And that makes his chances of winning pretty much close to nil. Given that whenever Daniel Bryan becomes healthy enough to compete for the titles, he will have a feud with the soon to be champion. And a popular babyface will definitely need to have a feud with a popular babyface.
#1 Sheamus
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The interesting thing about the Money In the Bank ladder match for theWWE World Heavyweight title is that four out of the five superstars participating in it are heels. Sheamus is the only babyface in the mix. And that makes his chances of winning pretty much close to nil. He is already a Champion,definitely a big name and definitely not popular among the hardcore fans with his almost John Cena- like qualities. Here s a fact-despite being a babyface he is not the most popular superstar in the match.
#2 Alberto Del Rio
Given that whenever Daniel Bryan becomes healthy enough to compete for the titles, he will have a feud with the soon to be champion. And a popular babyface will definitely need to have a feud with a heel who gets enough reactions from the crowd. Alberto Del Rio has consistently failed to get the crowd to really love to hate him. The Creative has always failed to be consistent with his gimmick. And Creative lately has had nothing for him. The only plus is that he mostly ends up competing in title matches..
#3 Cesaro
he is the dark horse. Why? He is one superstar who is a heel and yet has everyone’s curiosity. He’s proved that he’s freaky strong. He has Paul Heyman by his side. His gimmick, just like Barrett’s, is popular despite having heel traits. And Daniel Bryan and Cesaro will have quite a match. But their isn’t much relevant hostory between the two which makes this sudden main event feud a bit of a hurried affair for Cesaro’s character. And I think Cesaro fav=cing Lesnar is a better and more exciting option.
Expect cesaro to pull off some freaky strong moves at MITB, though.
#4 Randy Orton
Randy Orton may have had a pretty lame run with the titles and he may not have been a force to be reckoned with for Evolutuion given that Triple H hoggesd all the limelight. But Randy Orton is a bankable superstar. he has fans who rally to get him back to his ‘Viper’ and ‘Legend Killer’ demeanour. And he is also an icon in the wrestling history (His pose on the turnbuckle is his trademark).
It will get the fans frustrated but repetition is never a refereshing option.
#5 Bray Wyatt
He is a heel. He has many followers. He also has history with Daniel Bryan. And his storyline with Bryan was cut short. So it will only be reasonable if the story continues...
Bray Wyatt has also never won any titles in the WWE, yet. He’s been engaged in an underwhelming feud with John Cena. Winning the titles won’t only be a refreshing change but also a shining oment for Wyatt which redeem him from his feud with Cena and elevate his position on screen and make him look quite a ruler and ‘Eater of Worlds’