A promising angle if done with thought and care, RETRIBUTION might just be one of the worst-booked factions in WWE. They started off by throwing things around backstage and messing with the lights, with no clear motivations brought to the surface. They had promised to take WWE down, but have been booked like absolute geeks over the past few months.
RETRIBUTION ideally is supposed to be a serious group of individuals who were wronged by WWE, but their names suggest otherwise. It is hard to take the likes of Slapjack and T-Bar seriously, even without taking their sloppy booking into account. However, RETRIBUTION did have hope when Mustafa Ali was unveiled as their leader.
He cut some great promos, most of them on social media, giving explanations for why each member of RETRIBUTION wanted to take down the corrupt WWE system. Ali did well, but the creative team couldn't follow it up on RAW. His words feel more and more repetitive, without any value to them.
RETRIBUTION remains a lower-card annoyance on RAW, far removed from their purpose of destroying WWE. The company approached this entire idea in the wrong way, coming back to the point of being unable to suspend our disbelief. Why would such a group be picked in the WWE Draft? Why would WWE's Twitter account retweet everything they say against the company?
The company is actively not trying with RETRIBUTION, a group that needs more trying than any other. There are ways for WWE to still salvage them, but the chances of that happening are getting slimmer and slimmer. They lose almost every week and have no clear long-term direction.
Hopefully, Mustafa Ali and the rest of the talents find something much better to do after WWE inevitably pulls the plug on RETRIBUTION. Well, at least we found out that Dominik Dijakovic is really good at Twitter.
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