#1: Edge brought back his Rated-R persona through a fantastic promo
Before Edge returned as a PG-version of himself to write his own ending, WWE fans knew him as The Rated-R Superstar for a long period of time, and that version of Edge crossed boundaries several times.
"The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" brought out Edge's Rated-R persona, since Randy Orton took him to the limit and still chose the low road to secure a victory. After The Viper decimated Christian on last week's WWE RAW, Edge cut an intense promo this week, and he promised to take Orton down by any means necessary.
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Meanwhile, The Big Show had a few words for Randy Orton. He wanted to avenge what The Viper did to Christian and Edge, and Big Show didn't mind to hurt Orton even though Edge has something far worse in store for his rival.
As expected, Orton retreated when Big Show challenged him to a fight on the spot, but it looks like WWE's resident giant will be facing Orton sometime soon, perhaps to cover the time it takes for Edge's injury to heal.