#2 The Revival is nothing more than an afterthought
There's no denying that the creative team on Monday Night Raw have had a hard time in making some clinical decisions regarding the tag-team division.
With much of the spotlight on the Shield and the Dogs of War, other teams that could have benefited from that position are reduced to nothing more than an afterthought.
While Drake Maverick's inclusion in AOP felt like the start of something beautiful, and while it might be something the company could be invested in, the lack of elevation of these teams is making it a more directionless process.
The Revival, after being one of the most decorated tag-teams in the history of NXT has fallen down so quickly that it seems impossible to bring some relevance back into them.
The feud they had with the B-Team felt terrible, and the fact that they were quickly squashed by Drew Mcintyre and Dolph Ziggler followed by what transpired tonight, it certainly feels like the creative has no clue what to do with the Revival.