#3 Nostalgia acts are more compelling than the current roster

The fact that WWE is consistently pushing stories with part-time performers on Monday Night Raw is because of the lack of trust they have on the current performers.
On a podcast with Stone Cold, Vince McMahon himself admitted that the current roster lacks ambition and the drive to grab that brass ring that changes careers.
While the Boss might be right on his part, making nostalgia acts more compelling certainly diminishes the credibility of the performers that are tirelessly working to change the business.
With superstars like the Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Trish Stratus, Lita, and Kurt Angle taking most of the TV time on Raw lately, this has definitely depreciated the quality of television.
Considering the fact that the ratings are at an all-time low, Monday Night Raw certainly needs something different if they need to bring any sort of change in the company.