In 2008, the WWE shifted to being PG content, slightly lower than it's previous TV-13 demographic. As part of this new 'PG Era', several things were banned in the company, most notably blading: the act of cutting yourself open to add blood and a new depth to the match.
Despite this, we sometimes do get blood, though this is almost always unintentional. For example, the Jeff Hardy-Randy Orton Hell In A Cell match earlier this year featured blood, but could not have been prepared in advance.
Any Superstar found deliberately blading would be given a hefty fine as part of the company's new policy, which Impact Wrestling would adopt in 2014. But before the ban, there were plenty of bloodied bouts in the company's history, with some of the industry's most iconic stars, doing the job.
Here are just five of the bloodiest matches in the history of the WWE.
#5 Hulk Hogan Vs Vince McMahon (Street Fight, WrestleMania 19)

Arguably the two most influential men in wrestling, Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon found themselves at odds when Hogan returned to the company in early 2003. After claiming he was solely responsible for Hulkamania, McMahon drew the ire of the Hulkster, who said the people were responsible for the sensation.
Putting his career on the line, Hogan met McMahon at the Safeco Field, where the two tried to destroy each other, including McMahon dropping a leg drop from a ladder, and the involvement of 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper.
During the match, McMahon would get a nasty gash on his face, as the demonic boss rose from beside the ring like Satan himself. His sinister grin appearing from behind the crimson mask. After the smoke cleared, Hogan stood tall, but it was clear to everyone, that there's nothing Vince McMahon won't do for his company.
#4 Eddie Guerrero Vs. John Bradshaw Layfield (WWE Championship Judgement Day 2004)

After overcoming drug addiction and other demons, seeing Eddie Guerrero as WWE Champion in 2004 was an incredible sight for the fans. Unfortunately, the newly-JBL'd Bradshaw did not see things this way and vowed to take the title off the El Paso star.
Meeting at Judgement Day 2004, the match started normally, before Layfield hit Eddie with a chair, a blow so hard, it tore into one of Guerrero's arteries. Bleeding constantly, the Champion's ability to still perform was a testament to his ability, as his blood stained the mat, as well as his and his opponent's bodies.
Eddie ended up retaining the title, losing via DQ after he failed to control his Latino Heat. According to reports, Guerrero went into shock backstage not long after the match, and the show was rated TV-MA for this match alone.
#3 John Cena Vs John Bradshaw Layfield (I Quit WWE Championship Match, Judgement Day 2005)

Just one year after Eddie Guerrero had bled profusely, this time it was JBL's turn. After having his 280-day title reign ended by John Cena at WrestleMania 21, Bradshaw was determined not only to win the Gold back but to embarrass Cena, meeting the Champ in an I-Quit match.
Cena was the first to gush after he was whacked in the skull with a chair, just liked JBL had done a year before to Guerrero. But whilst he escaped the blade last year, JBL was shortly battered outside the ring and ended up bleeding as much as Cena.
Fearing for his life, the financial expert quit, after Cena threatened to hit him with a pipe, which didn't exactly stop Cena, in one of the most brutal matches of both men's career.
#2 Bret 'Hitman' Hart Vs. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (I Quit Match,
WrestleMania 13)

Another I Quit Match on this list, the match is now famous as a classic. With the infamous double turn, where the face Bret Hart showed his darker side, and the villainous Rattlesnake becoming accepted by the crowd.
Seeing that these two Superstars couldn't be contained by a single referee, UFC legend Ken Shamrock was brought in to keep the peace, with Austin and Hart battling all over the ring. In the closing sequences of the match, Austin was busted open by the Hitman and bled all over the ring.
Ever resilient, the Bionic redneck refused to quit, despite Shamrock's plead and Bret's sharpshooter.
Instead, screaming through the blood in one of WWE's most iconic image, Stone Cold showed his never say die nature, passing out due to blood loss rather than say those awful two words.
#1 Vince McMahon Vs. The Undertaker (Buried Alive Match, Survivor Series 2003)

In his second appearance on the list, never say that Vince McMahon refuses to do the dirty work for his company. After destroying his own daughter at No Mercy, McMahon crossed The Undertaker, who had been regarded to for years as the conscience of the WWE.
Meeting at Survivor Series, McMahon was confident going into the match, entering the ring with his hands in prayer, and smiling at The Deadman. That smile quickly left after The Phenom battered the boss, busting him open with his first punch.
What followed was the Chairman getting absolutely destroyed, only being allowed the occasional breaks as the Deadman would catch his breath. Amazingly, McMahon would win the match, after the Big Red Machine Kane appeared and buried his own brother.
He may have bled profusely but on that November night, Vince proved the old saying: Don't cross the boss.