WWE Fastlane comes to us this coming Sunday and since that show involves only the Raw roster, this was an important go home Monday night show. Starting things off with what was done right by WWE, Samoa Joe and Cesaro put on a good match, while Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman had a contract signing that turned into a wild brawl.
The big men even broke the top turnbuckle, which isn’t something I’ve never seen done on purpose. Also, Kevin Owens as well as Triple H both demonstrated what stellar mic time looks like, so kudos to them.
As for the reason we’re here, there were the usual not-so-good moments from the night. A few of those included Akira Tozawa ungracefully attempting a Hurricanrana, Kevin Owens playing some jump rope with his tongue and Dana Brooke somehow turning a non-botch into one simply for taking social media way too seriously.
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All of those and more lie ahead, so here are your 5 botchiest and most outrageous moments of the night...
#5 Kevin flubs his line
In the opening line of Kevin Owen’s retort to Bill Goldberg at the start of Raw, KO stumbled over his words before he even got going. Owens even poked fun at himself and Tweeted, “You’re welcome” to the Botchamania OG @maffewgregg on Twitter.
Despite this brief slip up of his line, KO played off of Goldberg rather well. He’s rebounded quickly and easily into a far more serious role now that his alliance with Chris Jericho is officially over.
#4 Slightly off Hurricanrana
Akira Tozawa is one of the more over wrestlers on the 205 Live brand, thanks to his superb wrestling abilities and infectious yelling. However, that doesn’t mean he’s not capable of making a mistake.
Tozawa went for a Hurricanrana on Noam Dar but as can be seen in the slightly slowed down highlight, his right leg never got properly into position for the takedown. Dar still was a pal and went ahead and went with it anyway.
#3 Not all kids approve
New Day came out for their weekly Ronco-style infomercial and pop culture joke of the week, showering children with Booty-O’s on their way to the ring. The only problem here is that this kid was a little too reluctant to play along. Even though he nodded his head to Big E indicating it was okay to take a cereal shower, the kid just stood there awkwardly.
Slightly after this, New Day did the predictable sketch of mocking the wrong envelope, just like what happened at the Oscars one day prior. These guys would never pass up on a moment like that to put a WWE spin on a cultural parody.
#2 End the CM Punk chants, please
The entire Seth Rollins sit-down interview with Corey Graves in the ring came across as strange. Seth seemed like he was speaking slowly to give off a sombre tone and that makes sense, considering he’s teasing that he might be missing yet another WrestleMania.
However, by doing this, it sounded as if The Architect was having trouble remembering his lines.
Despite the off delivery that was going on in the middle of the ring, the real outrageous moment from this segment was when the terrible Green Bay crowd started a CM Punk chant. Thankfully, it didn’t catch on all that much. Triple H came out later in this segment to show all of the youngsters how to give a passionate promo.
#1 Dana couldn’t grab the leg
Honestly, this missed leg swipe by Dana Brooke didn’t look like a botch at all.
Judging by the way Bayley and Charlotte continued on with the action in the ring, Dana likely never intended on connecting with the interference. If that would’ve been the end of this story, then this highlight might not have made this countdown.
However, Twitter user @totaldivaseps (a fantastic account that’s totally worth following) made this very moment a .gif without any comment, to which The Total Diva saw and responded with remarks that made things worse.
Poor Dana. She probably should’ve just let the internet be. Instead, she stoked that social media fire and suffered a far larger barrage of detractors then if she simply did nothing at all.
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