#2 Two kicks for Matt Hardy
Perhaps Sheamus was still reeling from that Twist of Fate that more resembled a Stone Cold Stunner a few moments prior because he did not get Matt Hardy on the first try here. The Hardy not in this match was standing on the apron because he needed to shoo away Cesaro, who was trying to interfere.
After Sheamus watched Jeff narrowly avoid colliding into Matt just before this, he moved in for the kick. The big Irishman then decided to send Matt flying the hard way.
The first boot attempt came nowhere near Matt. To his credit, he had enough sense not to sell it like it actually connected. That would’ve looked terrible if he did. Instead, he waited until Sheamus to give him a followup boot that was right on the money.
Right after this, Jeff gave Sheamus a Twist of Fate and then hit a Swanton for the win. The Hardyz have the momentum as well as the title belts as Raw creeps closer to Extreme Rules.