5 botches, slip-ups, and outrageous moments from WWE Raw - October 30, 2017

Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson competed as their Southpaw Regional Wrestling alter-egos.
Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson competed as their Southpaw Regional Wrestling alter-egos.

#2 Devilish landing

Seth Rollins went for a suicide dive through the ropes like he always does. That's a staple in his move set, so it was no shocker that he tried it during his match against Kane. This time, though, he didn't stick the landing just how he intended to.

It's hard to tell if he overshot this high-risk move or if Kane just caught him wrong. Whatever the reason, this was a nasty landing. Seth's head was one of the first parts of his body to hit the ground.

This Shield member ultimately suffered the same fate of Finn Balor from last week when he lost to The Big Red Machine. Kane also took out Finn as he made his way to the ring for this match and Chokeslammed Bryan in the dark backstage. Kane really has something against those little guys.

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Edited by Shruti Sadbhav
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