4. “Battle of the Bulge”
David Otunga is a terrible announcer, but you already knew that. Discussing Shane McMahon’s involvement in his team’s Survivor Series match, he started to compare him to a certain famous U.S. General...
“Look how well he’s doing, he’s like General Patton at Battle of the Bulge...”
If Otunga ended right there, then that would have been a perfectly acceptable analogy...but no! David couldn’t help himself and saw an opportunity for what he thought was a sick burn or a hilarious joke or whatever it is that goes on inside his head.
“...and I”m not talking about Kevin Owen’s stomach here.”
He went for a fat joke on the current WWE Universal Champion. Sigh, be a star, David. I don’t know if Vince McMahon or another producer was laughing hysterically at that line, but I simply rolled my eyes at it. Since Otunga stayed off camera for most of the night, the image above was the moment when the two best friends embraced in a bromantical hug because Owens might need some comfort after David’s bullying.