#3 Brock Lesnar vs Batista

Both Brock Lesnar and Batista were part of the prestigious 2002 class of Ohio Valley Wrestling along with Randy Orton and John Cena. While Brock Lesnar was pushed to the top straight away, Batista had to wait for his rise to the main event. The wait came to an end thanks to the unexpected departure of Brock Lesnar from WWE in 2004. Batista would go on to be the poster boy along with John Cena. After leaving WWE, Batista made it big in the Hollywood while Brock Lesnar reached new heights in UFC. People have been craving for this match for quite a long time. The Beast vs The Animal is the perfect Goliath vs Goliath match one can think of.
With the recent rumors of Batista wanting to return to WWE, this match might still take place.
In case you didn't know, Brock Lesnar vs Batista has happened before. Though not exactly how you would have thought. Batista faced Lesnar under his ring name Leviathan in OVW.