#1 Breaking the Streak
Is anyone really surprised? Could any moment in Brock Lesnar's history be as iconic or as shocking as breaking the 21-0 Wrestlemania streak of The Undertaker? The match itself wasn't a stellar one, with Taker looking aged and out of shape but this one garners the number one spot just for its shock value.
Most of us thought that Undertaker would retire with his streak still intact.
Or it would be some gravity-defying, earth-shattering moment at least.
Instead, what we got was Taker struggling to deliver both the Last Ride and the Tombstone Piledriver, not really pulling off either successfully. Beyond that, the match itself was awkwardly paced and slow, giving off the vibe that Taker shouldn't even be physically cleared to compete. In short, it was the lowest Undertaker had gone and everyone thought this would be his last match.
Regardless of how disappointing the match turned out to be, no one can take away the fact that Lesnar ended the streak. Even with a subpar match, it will always be the crowning moment in Lesnar's history.
Which is your favorite Brock Lesnar moment? Let everyone know in the comments below!