#2. What happens to Mahal if he loses against AJ Styles?

AJ Styles captured the WWE championship from Jinder Mahal a week before the Survivor Series. It was a great moment for those in attendance and led to the pleasure of seeing him face Brock Lesnar at the Survivor Series. However, since the Survivor Series, Mahal has fed his men Samir and Sunil Singh to Styles, which has been met with less than stellar results.
After Styles defeated the Singhs in a handicap match, Mahal came into the ring and attacked the two men that have shown him nothing but an unswerving loyalty and support. He mercilessly beat them both down, hitting his finisher, the Khallas, as Styles headed to the back.
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Will the Modern Day Maharaja recapture the title, or is there another plan for Mahal? We don't yet fear that he won't be used effectively in the event that he loses, but aren't sure what the plan for him will be since the WWE championship was what he was primarily booked around.