#3 R-Truth

R-Truth is 46 years old.
You wouldn't know it if you saw his main-event match against The Miz last week.
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
He has always been an outrageously entertaining character, and he proved last week that he can still wrestle at a very very high level.
Having spent weeks trying to pin Carmella to gain a United States Championship match, he entered a truce of sorts with her last week. Perhaps R-Truth has realized that she makes a better ally than opponent he will never be allowed to face? Perhaps it was due to a mutual dislike of the Miz and Maryse. It doesn't matter; the fact remains that they are a team for the foreseeable future, and will compete on Season Two of WWE's Mixed Match Challenge.
R-Truth is an excellent candidate to face Shinsuke Nakamura; he is over with the crowd, fun to watch in the ring, and has been chasing the United States Championship for a while. His only fault? Going about getting a match in the wrong way.
But no matter, perhaps Carmella can help get R-Truth a United States Championship match if only to prevent him from challenging her to a match again.