#2 Randy Orton
While at one time he ran with the moniker of Legend Killer, there was one legend he refused to kill the WrestleMania streak of The Undertaker. In an interview with Yahoo Sports, Randy Orton said the following.
"You asked about me versus Taker, that was WrestleMania 21 in Los Angeles, I was 25, my birthday always falls around the show, so I’m a kid, I’m a greenhorn, I grew up in the business but now I’m in a match in the biggest show you can be at, participate in as a professional wrestler, as a WWE Superstar, and I’m facing in a singles match the most legendary character that’s ever graced our presence – with maybe a few exceptions. I was nervous, but I also knew I was in good hands. We went out there, we killed it, I reversed the chokeslam into the RKO, everybody bought it, he beat my ass and that was it. He picked up another win at ‘Mania and rightfully so because I think the WrestleMania brand and Undertaker go hand in hand. I think a lot of that had to do with the streak so I’ll never think that was the right thing to do, for him to pick up that loss....
While he doesn't suggest that he was rumored he also believes The Streak shouldn't have ended regardless of whom the competitor was he was facing.
Randy Orton's respect for the The Undertaker is clearly evident.
Edited by Nishant Jayaram