#1 Must not: Have Roman Reigns lose

It's time for WWE to rip the band-aid off and see what happens by having Roman Reigns win The Universal Title at Summerslam. In fact, until WWE actually does it, they aren't going to know what kind of backlash they are up against with Reigns as champion, which will only result in another failed attempt at becoming 'The Guy'.
If nothing else, WWE needs to get out in front of this Roman Reigns backlash and use it to their own advantage. WWE has already been doing that by making Reigns out to be more and more of a tweener over the past couple of weeks and could easily mould that into something The WWE Universe wants to see if they work at it.
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WWE has been trying and testing this storyline between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns ever since WrestleMania 34, with previous encounters happening even before that time! On that note, WWE needs to make a decision. Either make sure Reigns loses definitively, and move to the back of the line, or have him win without any doubt and become the top guy
In the end, if it doesn't work, then just go back to the drawing board and try again. That's where WWE and Vince McMahon are going to go anyway if it fails, so why not let them show The WWE Universe what has changed. Furthermore, why don't they show the fans that Reigns deserves to be the top guy?
With that all being said, if WWE had a definitive moment, a moment that seemed organic and allowed for Reigns to truly prove that he was the best the company had to offer, things might change for him. Maybe they could do it by implementing the heel turn of the century or maybe WWE finally finds a way to get him over as a face, but at least let them try something!