#6 Must: insert Stephanie McMahon into Raw Women's title match

Speaking of women's title matches, WWE needs to work on inserting Stephanie McMahon into the title match between Ronda Rousey and Alexa Bliss. Not only will doing so make fans get behind Rousey early in the match, but it also allows for Bliss not to get the upper hand on Rousey in a straight up wrestling match.
Another reason that McMahon should be inserted into the title match in some capacity, is that it would be a great followup to their match at WrestleMania 34 with Kurt Angle and Triple H. It also gives WWE a chance to set up Stephanie McMahon versus Ronda Rousey for the title at Evolution or Hell in a cell which would be the perfect place for a match like that!
In the end, WWE would make the match a lot more interesting by putting McMahon in there and would really solidify that feeling of The Authority taking over WWE again. Maybe that didn't work in years past, especially after WWE did it with Daniel Bryan, but it seems like the time has done to re-implement it in some capacity.