#2 Must: Have Braun Strowman lose The Briefcase

Braun Strowman needs to lose the Money in The Bank briefcase to Kevin Owens at Summerslam. Not only would it allow for Kevin Owens to cash in on Roman Reigns, which will divide fans further, it also builds up sympathy for Strowman.
In all honesty, Strowman doesn't need the briefcase. He doesn't even need the victory over Kevin Owens. He has proved time and time again that he will steal the show when given a chance and isn't going to lose crowd support by losing a match. In fact, it could be a powerful way to put The Authority and Strowman at odds to set up a title match for later.
In the end, WWE needs to divide the fan base to the point where they can make a Roman Reigns title reign successful. With that in mind, the only way to really do that in a powerful way is to have Owens win and then cash in on Reigns after his match with Lesnar. Strowman gets screwed, Reigns gets his bell rung and Owens escapes with the title!
The perfect plan!