#3 Sheamus should make an appearance in DCEU
Let's cut WWE's Celtic Warrior Sheamus some slack. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows may not have been the blockbuster movie we had hoped, but Sheamus was far from the worst casting choice in that film.
We likely won't see his Rocksteady rumbling with the heroes in a half shell, but that doesn't mean he should give up on comic book films. The Irishman's film career is still in its infancy and has plenty of mileage left.
For the few films he's been featured in, Sheamus isn't half bad. His time in the WWE has shown that he can portray a compelling character when given the opportunity.
Besides, who among the WWE Superstars hasn't had a few duds early in their film career? The Rock's ascent to the A-List wasn't overnight.
The DCEU is an ideal place for Sheamus to cut his chops in another major-budget film. He needn't be a starring role; a cameo with or without dialog would be enough, similar to Kevin Nash's row in The Punisher.