#7. WWE Hall of Famer Edge
Edge returned to WWE in 2020 after nine years of retirement. Despite being away from the ring for nearly a decade, The Rated R Superstar has been in great physical shape since his comeback.
In April 2021, Edge revealed to Men's Health the secret behind having such an incredible physique at his age.
"I've been asked, actually quite a bit, since I've come back to WWE what exactly I've done in terms of my diet to try to get in the shape that I've got in at this age. You know, I did something that I didn't necessarily do before. I've watched my diet but I've also not watched my diet. Now, we've really got it dialed in because one of the most important things that I think you need to understand is you can't outtrain a bad diet. So, no matter how hard you train, if your diet is not dialed in, you are not gonna see the results that you want. But that does not mean that because you are on a diet it's not a bad word. It doesn't mean that you can't enjoy your food and things like that. So, I use a meal prep company," he said.
The former WWE Champion has had several great matches since returning to Vince McMahon's company. WWE recently ranked his bout against Seth Rollins at Crown Jewel as the best match in 2021.
The Rated R superstar has recently been feuding with The Miz. Last Saturday, he defeated him at Day 1.
Edited by Abhinav Singh