5 current WWE Superstars who have challenged The Rock to a match

Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan; The Rock
Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan; The Rock

#2 Roman Reigns challenged The Rock

The Rock and Roman Reigns
The Rock and Roman Reigns

If The Rock was to ever return to the WWE for one final match, we can't quite see any other opponent that he would face apart from Roman Reigns. Reigns and The Rock have a close bond and are blood brothers, with both being part of the famed Anoa'i family.

Following the announcement that WrestleMania 37 will take place in Los Angeles, Roman Reigns revealed that he would like to face The Rock at The Show of Shows.

"If there is a stadium to hold... hey, DJ [Dwayne Johnson]. Check it out, not bad, right? Everyone's always dream matchin' me and first of all, we're family so it's all love, but if there was going to be an event for him to compete in, to perform in - a venue to hold that mass of attention he's going to bring, it's right here."

The Rock, while speaking earlier this year, revealed that a match between The Rock and Roman Reigns is still a possibility:

“Rock vs Roman Reigns — is it possible? Sure, anything is possible. You know for something like that to happen I think the venue would have to be right. I think the business model has to be right [laughs]. I’m very close with Roman, we’re family, so we’ll see.”

If this match were to happen, WrestleMania 37 seems like the perfect venue, considering it's happening in Los Angeles, which is the heart of Hollywood.

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Edited by Atharva Papnoi
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