#4 CM Punk VS. Kenny Omega

The Best in the World against the Best Bout Machine.
From 2011-2013, fewer acts were hotter than Punk.
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He had dropped his pipe bomb on the pro wrestling world and would go on to start his record-breaking reign in November of 2011.
He would have several great matches during his reign of 434 days.
Unfortunately, his reign ended at the Royal Rumble in 2013 so that the Rock could fight John Cena at the upcoming Wrestlemania.
Losing out on his best chance to main-event a Wrestlemania obviously angered Punk.
Kenny Omega has become one of the best wrestlers in the world outside of WWE.
A feud between the two would have been easy to write.
Punk's claim of the Best in the World could be put to the test against the Best Bout Machine.
Omega and Punk have both wrestled matches in excess of over an hour, so endurance wouldn't have been an issue.
They could engage in an Iron Man Match, a TLC match, an 'I Quit Match' or Last Man Standing.
Any type of match would be perfect between these two.
Both don't need to prove to anyone else that they are the best.
But in order to prove it to themselves, they'd have to fight each other.
Punk was even rumored to show up at All In to take on Omega. It was in Punk's hometown of Chicago, but it did not come to fruition.
Punk prided himself on taking on the system and doing things his way, and that's exactly what Omega has done since he's become one of the biggest stars in pro wrestling.
They are both heroes to the underdogs or people who stayed true to themselves rather than giving in to temptation.
That's not to say Omega signing with WWE at some point would be 'selling out'.
Why wouldn't he want to prove he's the best wrestler in the world against guys in the biggest company in the world?