#5. Tag Team Turmoil
One of the more intriguing angles of the WWE is that of the journey that tag teams take, especially in the modern era where a lot of tag teams even those successful ones you find in NXT, are thrown together. This could take many different routes depending on the way 2K and developers want to play it.
We could have a tag team mode that begins with thrown together singles stars maybe starting from NXT, to challenge for the Dusty Rhodes Invitational cup and going all the way to the main roster. Maybe it could be a create your team challenge taking them through a tour mode of tag teams all the way to their greatest challenge; The Hardys(?).
It could even be something as simple as a genuine tag team story akin to Road to Wrestlemania from Smackdown vs. RAW 2009 where a team goes from best friends and champions to a break-up and feud. There are many different layers to explore with the tag team narrative and it would give players an interesting division from the regular singles modes we find in 2K games.