#4 Goldberg's Theme By Dillion Spears

Goldberg is one of the most popular powerhouses in wrestling history. This man was such a big star in the 90s. Many people believe that the invasion angle would not have failed if WWE waited for one of WCW's biggest stars to make his debut in Vince McMahon's compnay.
One of the things that made Goldberg an icon was his larger than life entrance to the ring, as just imagine standing across the ring from a man that had to be escorted to the ring by multiple police officers. While it all might be kayfabe, Goldberg presence in the industry can't be understated.
The following cover of Goldberg's theme 'invasion/who's next' does him justice. Dillion Spears is one of the best professional wrestling cover artists out there, aand that is due to the fact that the man is a professional in his field.
His work has been used on TV, radio, and even film, so when you see the body of work Spears has put together, it leaves you asking the question of what's next from this talented individual? Goldberg's theme is covered in such a way one could mistake the track for a movie score, it's that good.