#2 The Cosmic Wasteland
This is probably the most forgettable faction on this list, serving no purpose except to extend the Stardust character for no reason. Following the tragic passing of Dusty Rhodes in 2015, WWE should have allowed Cody Rhodes to revert to his previous self.
They instead fleshed it out to book a tag team match involving Stardust and Stephen Amell for SummerSlam. But there was no plan or reason for him to remain with the facepaint after that. His partnership with The Ascension was born randomly.
Konnor and Viktor aligned with Stardust by attacking Neville just before his match with the AEW star, forming the Cosmic Wasteland. If WWE had put some stock behind the trio, it could have gone somewhere.
But save for a 6-man tag team victory over Neville and the Lucha Dragons on the Night of Champions kickoff show, the Cosmic Wasteland pretty much did nothing on WWE TV. The trio did tease a feud with Cesaro, but that went nowhere.
The Cosmic Wasteland eventually faded away, with the Ascension returning to the bottom of the tag team division. Cody Rhodes got fed up with playing Stardust and eventually asked WWE for his release, which was granted. Definitely not the most elite of factions in recent WWE history.