#1. Renee Young's storyline debut
Renee Young was brought into a storyline between Maryse, Miz, and her husband Dean Ambrose ahead of WrestleMania 33 back in 2018. This all started when Miz pointed out that Young and Ambrose were in a relationship for the first time on WWE TV and received a slap from Renee for his troubles.
Renee Young was then slapped by Miz's wife Maryse before there was then a lot of animosity between the two couples, and the angle was then seemingly dropped.
It has been rumored by many sites that the plan could have been for Renee and Dean to team up to take on The Miz and Maryse at WrestleMania 33, but instead John Cena and Nikki Bella stepped in and were part of the match with them.
Young isn't a trained wrestler, but many female personalities have been part of matches at WrestleMania with minimal training, so it's easy to see her being able to pull it off. Young and Ambrose didn't get to work together a lot in WWE, and a match together would have been interesting.