It's fair to say at this point this story line has been a complete flop. It didn't have to have been this way as with some better booking Jordan could have been a major star heading into WrestleMania this year. Let's take it all the way back to No Mercy where a rematch of the Summer slam six man tag will take place. The Hardy boys and Jordan facing The Miztourage. In the match Jordan scores a roll up pin fall over the current intercontinental champion.
The commentary team puts this over huge, Jordan pinned the champ and now Michael Cole is saying he deserves a title shot immediately. The next night on RAW Angle announces a fatal four way to become the number one contender for the IC title. The match starts off normal, but it gradually takes a shift with Jason and the Hardy boys teaming up on the Big Show. At the match's end Jeff hits Show with his finisher, however instead of going for the pin Jeff rolls to the outside.
Jordan rolls on top of Show for the three count. The next week the Hardy boys are given a RAW tag team title opportunity with no explanation from Angle. On the same show Jordan gets his title match and Angle has banned the Miztourage and Maryse from being at ringside. Near the end of the match the ref is laid out and just then Miz hits the skull crushing finale, but no one's there to count the pin. Miz signals to the back for a new referee, but no one comes.
Finally Jordan pops up and rolls up Miz, suddenly the ref jumps up to count the fast three. Miz begins throwing a fit in the ring until Jordan clocks him with his brand new championship. This is followed up the next week with a huge celebration, until Miz comes out with his lawyer demanding Angle come to the ring to negotiate terms to the rematch. Miz demands Angle is the referee and the match be a last man standing. Angle agrees, however The Miz has one more term.
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Miz says that if there is any more funny business Angle may not have a job any longer. Miz is in control and he lays JJ completely out with a skull crushing finale on to the steel steps. Angle counts up to nine, but he can't do it. Miz screams in his face to "finish it". Angle looks at Miz and drops him with an Angle slam, Kurt picks up Jordan and counts Miz out.
The following week Triple H shows up and he calls out Angle to relieve him of his GM duties. Triple H then brings out Jordan and strips him of the championship. This enrages Jordan and he gets in the game's face until Samoa Joe takes him out. Triple H claims he will step in as GM, but he is interrupted by Mr. McMahon. He says the power struggle for Monday Night RAW is quite entertaining, but it will end at Survivor Series.
It'll be Team Angle vs. Team Triple H. The winning team takes their rightful place as GM. Triple H's team consists of Samoa Joe, the Bar, the Miz, and Big Show. Angle appoints Jordan captain, however this causes many to be hesitant to join the team. Eventually he gets the Hardy boys to sign on, but that doesn't last as they grow tired of Jordan's complaining. Kurt then decides he must captain the team which would mean it is his first WWE match in over a decade.
Angle recruits Matt & Jeff and gets Finn Balor to join as well. Jordan is visibly unhappy with the demotion. The match builds up as Angle eliminates Show, Cesaro takes out Jeff, Matt takes out Cesaro, and Sheamus takes out Matt. This leads to the six men sharing stares, but Jordan clocks Balor instead of the other team. Angle is stunned and while he is screaming at Jordan Sheamus takes out Balor.
Angle seems to calm Jordan down, but Jordan punches Kurt. Angle looks up at his "son" asking why. Jordan looks down in disgust. Jordan picks up a chair and lightly taps Miz causing the ref to eliminate him via DQ. Jordan and Team Triple H laugh at the confused Angle. Joe and Miz hold Kurt and JJ decks him with the chair.

Joe eliminates Kurt and Triple H is in control of RAW. The game hands Jordan back the IC title and Kurt is attempting to get to his feet, but Jordan kicks him back down. Jordan reveals to Angle that he isn't truly Angle's son. Jordan says he was using Angle's position as GM for all it was worth. He claims his old NXT mentor Triple H helped him come up with the brilliant plan.
Up until the Royal Rumble Jordan is winning match after match. Miz and Joe are still aligned with Jordan and they have a grand plan to work together so that one of them can win the whole rumble. They also all happened to draw late numbers with some assistance from the game. All three men get into the match and they begin to dominate. By the time number 30 is about to enter we are left with a few guys and the big 3 of JJ, Miz, and Joe.
The clock hits zero and out comes Kurt Angle. He hits the ring like a machine tossing around Joe and Miz while Jordan does his best to avoid the onslaught. Kurt tosses out Miz then Jordan goes after Kurt, but Kurt tosses Jordan, Joe takes advantage to dump out Angle. Angle then continues to pummel Jordan until he is pulled away by a ton of security. Kurt continues to blindside Jordan consistently on RAW even costing Jordan the IC title.
Jordan comes out at the elimination chamber and challenges Angle to a street fight at Mania. Over the coming weeks Angle is being beaten down by Miz, Joe, and Jordan every week until Angle gets some backup. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin even the odds and they go on to face Miz and Joe at Mania. Angle ends up defeating Jordan at Mania forcing him o tap to the ankle lock. Jordan comes out looking like a top heel in the mid-card with great potential to main event at some point.
The white meat baby face thing didn't work so instead you get a brash, cocky heel. The story is now more believable because well it's not as stupid we all know Kurt isn't the real father so why bother with the poor narrative. Best of all Jordan is the star the company wanted him to be because he is in a major feud with Kurt freaking Angle.