#3 Shane McMahon
WWE’s habit of ret-conning old stories is an irritating one, to say the least. But this is one story that really deserves a proper conclusion, especially considering how much time and effort was put into it.
Shane lost to the Undertaker at WrestleMania and was given control over RAW nonetheless. This made his match pointless and a waste of time for both men involved. Moreover, there were things said by both Shane and ‘Taker that might not be resolved, especially since Taker takes considerable pride in his legacy and accomplishments.
So why not continue the feud by having the Undertaker and Shane fight once again?
If booked correctly (and that’s a big ‘if’), this could lead to some intriguing storyline directions. If Undertaker came back and Tombstoned Shane McMahon, it could lead to some interesting dynamics. Is he there acting on behalf of Stephanie because he was treated better on RAW? Is he still doing Vince’s dirty work?
Is he back on SmackDown because he genuinely cares about the show’s survival, and thinks that Shane isn’t doing enough to keep the show afloat?
These stories and more could be developed if given proper writing and timing. Then again, this is WWE, so expecting either or both of those things to happen these days is a big stretch in and of itself.