#4 Victoria
Victoria is a woman who has always had a great love for the business of professional wrestling, but never really thrived as many would've expected. That may be down to the era she was a part of. Either way, her look and style in the ring was always fascinating and gained her a lot of fans among the WWE Universe and beyond.
Given her time in TNA more recently, you can tell that she was able to adapt to different scenarios and settings. Some people will choose to debate whether that would be translatable to the WWE of today, but it seems likely that she could've made a pretty good impact in the New Era.
You could even have Victoria be a female Batista of sorts, running down the new style of wrestling and standing up for powerful, dominant women that don't run around on social media and what not. It could lead into quite a fascinating storyline, and her impact would certainly be felt within the company.
Now we move onto someone who practised her trade far more recently.