#2 Harley Race

Known for being as tough outside the ring as he was inside, Harley Race blazed a trail that those today respect. During his thirty-year career, he had memorable feuds with the likes of Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, the Junk Yard Dog and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Race joined WWE in 1986 and was the sixth competitor in the inaugural twenty-man Rumble, eliminated before the twelfth man entered the ring. His time with the company lasted a few years until he returned to World Championship Wrestling to manage Big Van Vader.
Today, Harley Race is not just known for what he did in the ring, but for running promotions such as WLW, along with operating the Harley Race Wrestling School. His promotion has had longstanding working relationships with international promotions such as Pro Wrestling Noah. In May of 2017, at the age of 74, Race suffered a terrible fall, breaking both of his legs in the process. Race required four blood transfusions during surgery. He is currently in recovery from the injuries suffered.