#2 Stone Cold Steve Austin: 52 years old
He is arguably the most popular professional wrestler of the past 25 years. Fans all over the world can relate to his raw, authentic personality and unapologetic demeanour. Stone Cold Steve Austin embodies the attitude that every man in America wishes they could possess.
The Attitude Era belonged to Stone Cold Steve Austin and when the fans heard the glass break, they knew business was about to pick up. Night after night, week after week, Stone Cold gave the company a bold identity in which no one wanted to mess with. His name equated to dollar bills....lots of them.
Sure, Austin may be 52 years of age, but it's a young 52 and if he so desired, I'm sure he could pull one last Stone Cold Stunner out on someone and that’s the bottom line ‘cause Stone Cold said so! How about the Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose vs. The Texas Rattlesnake? Big money feud right there!