# 2 Ted DiBiase / Vince McMahon

Imagine sitting down with the boss and he tells you that he has a project for you, after discussing the project, he leaves the room and his assistant tells him that you are the project is the bosses pet project and close to the bosses heart. No pressure.
This is the scenario that faced Ted DiBiase when he sat down with Vince McMahon after signing with the WWF. He was informed about the Million Dollar Man gimmick and debuted the gimmick not long after that. DiBiase played the part to perfection, paying audience members to do dirty deeds, awarding himself with a gold and rhinestone belt and taunting wrestlers by placing $100 bills in their mouths.
After DiBiase defected to the WWF, he left a heel sized hole to fill in and with the rise of the anti-establishment baby-face in Steve Austin. The path opened for Vince McMahon to complete his destiny and assume the wealthy businessman persona in the late 90s.
McMahon was not as flamboyantly wealthy, characterwise, as the Million Dollar man persona. However, McMahon was never short of abusing power within his company and employing a stable of lackeys. This was especially poignant, as McMahon's nemesis was Stone Cold Steve Austin, who was previously aligned with the Million Dollar Man as the Ringmaster.