#1 Goldberg vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Halloween Havoc 1998)
If Goldberg was WCW's most popular star in 1998, Diamond Dallas Page had firmly entrenched himself as his understudy. The man who was never supposed to make it in the business became WCW's own People's Champion, so when he became #1 contender and set himself on a collision course with the undefeated Goldberg, fans were excited.
Unfortunately, Halloween Havoc that year became famous for all the wrong reasons -- the horrible Hogan/Warrior rematch and how its overtime cut into many fans' feeds, forcing them to miss this match.
It was a pity because this was the best match Goldberg ever had (a sentiment shared by the man himself). Goldberg was a star for many reasons, but his ring skills weren't one of them. WCW maximized his strengths and that was enough. The match with DDP, though, saw a psychological thriller that took the undefeated champion to the limit.
If you haven't watched this match, you're missing a lot. It's an underrated classic from a pivotal time in wrestling.