# 4 Good - The Stage Is Set
All the Money In The Bank participants had a decent showing this week, not just Zayn vs Cesaro but Jericho vs Ambrose and the Kevin Owens and Alberto Del Rio segments.
Other than the predictable six man brawl and the “look, I can climb a ladder” spot that happens every year, there were some layers added to this match that make it more intriguing than past ladder matches.
One such layer was the Kevin Owens and Del Rio confrontation that led to them having to team up against the Lucha Dragons with the stipulation that if they lost, then Sin Cara & Kalisto would take their spots in the match this Sunday.
This was a different way to build to the match and gave it more meaning than just having two of the participants compete in singles action.
Even the Ambrose vs Jericho match was more enjoyable than it appeared on paper and had plenty of shenanigans surrounding it with Owens & Zayn on commentary, Cesaro as guest ring announcer and Del Rio as guest timekeeper.
The match itself this Sunday is unpredictable as all participants have looked strong going into it and there isn’t a clear favourite to win, that should hopefully lead to an exciting contest.