#2. Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect – SummerSlam 1991
Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect is a wrestling technician's dream, and certainly a match to show during any in-ring training session. Not only was this match fantastic, but it also occurred still in the era where babyfaces and heels mattered tremendously. Curt Hennig was at the top of his game in the IC title scene, coming into SummerSlam with a seven-month title reign.
Is this man the funniest man in wrestling?
In 1991, Hart branched out as a singles competitor, and began building his resume as a successful star apart from the Hart Foundation tag team. At SummerSlam 1991, he had his opportunity to shine as a singles competitor, and show why he is the "best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be."
If there is any match that had a lot of emotion in it, it would be the match between Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect at SummerSlam 1991. The match latest nearly 20 minutes, with Bret locking in the Sharpshooter for the win, which received an amazing ovation. This was the starting point of Bret Hart creating a Hall of Fame career, and becoming a multi-time world champion.