2. Chris Benoit vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels for the World Heavyweight Championship, at WrestleMania 20
The last match of WrestleMania 20 was a triple threat match between the champion Triple H and the challengers Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels. The match initiated with two challengers going against each other before Triple H intervened when all three superstars attempted to hit their finishers.
Chris Benoit soon gained control of the match by catching Shawn Michaels in the Crippler Cross-Face. Michaels had barely hung on to it until Triple H broke the move by attacking both of them.
Triple H and Shawn Michaels both teamed up to put Benoit through the announce table. The two continued to wrestle thereafter until Triple H executed a Pedigree on Shawn Michaels, but Benoit recovered enough to break the pinfall.
Michaels tried to execute the Sweet Chin Music on Benoit but he countered the move by throwing him out of the ring. As this occurred, Triple H tried to put the final nail in the coffin by performing the Pedigree on Benoit, however, he tackled it and turned it into a Crippler Cross-Face. Triple H submitted to the move, making it the first time that a WrestleMania event ended in submission.