5 greatest moments in WWE Extreme Rules history

Extreme Rules
Extreme Rules

Extreme Rules has been around on the WWE pay-per-view calendar for quite a while now. It provides a host of gimmick matches throughout the night and is usually an enjoyable experience to go through.

Placed solely to have a show with a different feel and a variety of matches, Extreme Rules is now WWE’s longest running B-grade pay-per-view.

Part of the reason to that is because of its relative success and the largely consistent quality of action on the show. Similar to Money in the Bank, you are guaranteed to have a fun show because of the gimmick matches.

It’s not only the matches that make it feel semi-special. There have been lots of moments in WWE Extreme Rules history that will be well remembered. There have been some pretty significant happenings at this pay per view.

Always coming during the challenging time between WrestleMania and SummerSlam, Extreme Rules was the post-Mania PPV for a good chunk of time. So there are moments that you will remember.

Whether it was a vindicating title win, a shocking return or even a gruesome spot worthy of the name Extreme, we have been treated to some really memorable moments whenever WWE went extreme. But first, here are some honourable mentions.

-Tommy Dreamer saving his career and winning the ECW Championship against Christian and Jack Swagger, in 2009

-CM Punk's excellent Chicago Street Fight victory over Chris Jericho for the WWE Championship, in 2012

-Daniel Bryan sending Kane through a flaming table during his last ever WWE Championship match, in 2014

-Dean Ambrose throwing Chris Jericho onto thumbtacks during the first ever Asylum Match, in 2016

#5 Brock Lesnar vs John Cena (2012)

This was one of the most brutal matches in recent WWE history.
This was one of the most brutal matches in recent WWE history.

This is more an entire match instead of a moment, but it was surreal. Brock Lesnar had made his groundbreaking return to WWE on the Raw after WrestleMania in 2012 and immediately made a statement when he attacked John Cena.

The following feud was something we haven't really seen during WWE’s PG era. The level of brutality shown by Brock Lesnar was fresh and insane. Cena bled throughout the build up to their Extreme Rules match. It was compelling, to say the least.

The match was brutal to a degree we weren't used to during that period in WWE, as Brock Lesnar busted John Cena open immediately the bout started. It looked to be one of the most one-sided main event matches in WWE history as Lesnar was just toying with the Cenation Leader.

It was very unique and fresh to see WWE’s resident Superman getting pummeled to that level. However, WWE made the baffling decision to have Cena win the match here. Even if it is understandable with all the brutality, it is unbelievable that Brock Lesnar lost his first WWE match in 8 years.

The match did take a huge toll on him though, as Cena was bleeding a lot. He nailed Lesnar with a lucky chain shit to the head before landing an Attitude Adjustment into the steel stairs. John Cena looked spent at the end of it.

He even promised to take a break for a while, although he never really went away. This match makes it here because it was the Beast Incarnate's first WWE match in 8 years and it was a really good one too, notwithstanding the questionable booking decision at the end. It was fresh at the time and laid the foundation for Lesnar’s excellent destruction of Cena at SummerSlam 2014.

#4 The Shield hold all the gold (2013)

The Shield was at it's dominant best here.
The Shield was at it's dominant best here.

A few multi-man stables have really made a large impact in the WWE. But all of them which have, are likely to have had a moment where all members are holding championship gold.

The most iconic moment of this sort came at Armageddon 2003 when all members of Evolution won titles that night. This makes it unsurprising that The Shield also got to have their moment.

The Hounds of Justice were probably the most effective and impactful stables in WWE history. Three upstarts from NXT all became main eventers using each other's support.

They did hold all the gold at one point. It came at Extreme Rules 2013. Following a string of impressive six-man tag team victories, it was time for the Shield to take over.

They did just that. Dean Ambrose won the United States Championship from Kofi Kingston before Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins beat Team Hell No in an enjoyable Tornado tag team match to capture the Tag team titles.

The image of US champion Ambrose on the shoulders of tag champions Rollins and Reigns is excellent imagery.

This moment was a special one because these three men were one of the only bright spots during a slightly underwhelming period for WWE. This made them go to the next level in their unified quest for super-stardom in the company.

Moments like these are hugely symbolic to the dominance of a group. This was more than just that. Extreme Rules 2013 was when The Shield proved that they were here to stay.

These three were all bona fide main event stars during a period where it was difficult to make new ones. The WWE made three in one go.

#3 Jeff Hardy wins the World Title and CM Punk cashes in immediately (2009)

This was one of the better MITB cash-ins.
This was one of the better MITB cash-ins.

Jeff Hardy and Edge had an insane rivalry that went back a decade. This was one of the all-time classics. They practically feuded with each other, non-stop during the Attitude Era with the Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian feud.

These four men changed the game, along with the Dudley Boyz. The craziest moment during their entire rivalry came at WrestleMania X-Seven when Edge speared a hanging Jeff Hardy around twenty feet in the air.

Edge did have a deeply personal feud with Matt Hardy on Raw, but it would be with the other Hardy where the magic would always happen.

Trading WWE title wins back-and-forth, their storied rivalry came to a close at Extreme Rules 2009, fittingly, in a Ladder Match. An unbelievable match unfolded, as both legends risked it all to grab the World Heavyweight Championship.

In the end, Jeff got the better of his career rival as he trapped Edge through the rungs of the ladder. It was the ultimate feel-good moment to end the show, but no.

CM Punk's music played as he jogged down the ramp, briefcase in hand, with a referee. He was cashing in his Money in the Bank contract.

The following match was more intense than it should have been. Jeff kicked out of the Go To Sleep before almost stealing the victory with a small package. Punk persevered and won the title.

He wanted to make up for his lacklustre World title reign from the last year and this was the way to do it. The resulting feud was one of the best of the entire year and really made SmackDown must see TV in 2009.

It set up Punk’s eventual heel turn perfectly and made for a great moment. It was shocking in so many ways but brought an overall positive for everybody involved.

#2 Seth Rollins returns (2016)

Seth Rollins is the man.
Seth Rollins is the man.

2015 was Seth Rollins' year. He won the WWE World Heavyweight championship in the main event of WrestleMania without even being scheduled to be in the match. His reign did have lots of shady victories, but he was always entertaining.

Rollins made for one of the best WWE Champions in recent history. His fun title reign was brought to a screeching halt when his knee buckled during a live event in Dublin. He had to relinquish the title and was out for more than six months. This would eventually spark an inspiring comeback story, starting with a monumental return.

Roman Reigns, the main beneficiary of Rollins’ injury, had just retained the WWE title in a barn burner of an Extreme Rules match with AJ Styles at the 2016 event. It looked like no-one could stop him after the incredible close calls during the match.

But suddenly, Seth Rollins ran to the ring and Pedigreed Reigns to the absolute delight of the fans in attendance. This was an unreal moment and the crowd ate it up. The real champion had returned to take back the title he never lost.

The match they had at Money in the Bank was a classic as Rollins ground out the win over the Big Dog. However, the roles were reversed as Seth Rollins should have returned a babyface straight away like Triple H in 2002.

He was so hot at the time and WWE should have taken full advantage of it. His eventual face turn hurt him as it was not organic.

Rollins had been struggling for over a year as a babyface before finally finding his groove this year. From the excellent gauntlet match performance to the consistent Intercontinental Championship reign, Seth Rollins is now clearly the Man.

#1 Christian finally wins the World Title (2011)

Christian earned the World Heavyweight Championship.
Christian earned the World Heavyweight Championship.

Christian had been wrestling for around fifteen years as 2011 approached. He was called the best WWE Superstar ever to never win a world title. It was a crime that a wrestler as talented and charismatic as Christian was never crowned the World Champion.

However he did get a golden opportunity at Extreme Rules 2011. Edge was supposed to defend the World Heavyweight Championship in a Ladder Match against Alberto Del Rio, but he had to abruptly retire. This left WWE with the best possible choice from this.

Christian took Edge’s place as he faced Del Rio in a match that would crown a new first-time World Champion. After a grueling ladder match, a slight distraction from Edge created an opening for Christian as he climbed the ladder and seized the title.

It was an emotional moment. Christian had finally conquered everything and reached the top of the mountain. He became the World Heavyweight Champion. And he shared this incredible moment with his best friend. It does not get much better than this.

Say what you will about the reign ending immediately, but this moment was brilliant. A highly talented wrestler, who had become a veteran over the years, scratching and clawing on his way to becoming the World Heavyweight Champion.

The emotion and excitement charged up in this moment was incredible. It was fantastic to see someone who worked extremely hard finally get his due.

Christian deserved the title and he finally got it. This was a case of the moment being better than the reign. It was a moment. The best moment in the career of a criminally underrated wrestler.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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