#4. Animal and Hawk: WWF Tag Team Champions

Animal and Hawk made it a habit of winning tag team championships in nearly every promotion they worked for. By the time The Legion of Doom reached the WWF in 1990, they had already won the AWA and NWA/WCW Tag Team championships, as well as multiple championships in Japan.
At SummerSlam 1991, Hawk and Animal threw down with the Nasty Boys in a Street Fight and walked away with the WWF Tag Team Championship.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
While their previous title wins are no less distinguished than this one, their win over Knobbs and Saggs had particularly historical importance. They became the first — and only — team to win the titles in all three of the major US companies of the 1980s.
This had to have been particularly satisfying considering their feud with Demolition (a team clearly modeled after the Warriors themselves) upon entering the company didn't really live up to expectations. While not really the fault of either team (Demolition Ax had been experiencing health issues, prompting the WWF to replace him with Crush), the Legion of Doom needed a big moment like this to get their momentum back.
Animal and Hawk would win these same titles again six years later, but this first time had to be the most memorable.
Our next entry is something a little more personal.